[CMA] carp, wallets and targets

Phil Korbel phil at radioregen.org
Thu Nov 16 14:43:44 GMT 2006

thank you trevor, Kris and Richard for your stimulating contributions

Kris - we face the 'who pays the piper' quandary all the time, and 
feel that until we get on air and stay on air there's no opportunity 
to get any messages out let alone the laudable ones you speak of.  So 
say a couple of hours of Youth Offending projects gets a chunk of 
funding in for the station - that still leaves swathes of airtime for 
the rest of the community to have its say.

trevor - yes we ARE in a stupendous position to deliver high quality 
services that also undercut a lot of the commercial operators out 
there [and my your video example rings true]

Richard - astute as ever - yes we can make a very good cause on 
effectiveness but it's that 'cheaper than the other guy' that might 
prove problematic.   I remember bidding for some summer hols youth 
provision funding and sure our project delivered stacks of Skills For 
Life but wasn't nearly as cheap as a bunch of 'yoof' being given a 
football to kick around for an afternoon.   Which is not to say the 
argument cant be made - it's evidence that we need and that's what 
we're after in this debate.

So - CM-listers - examples and campaign ideas please....


Radio Regen
12 Hilton St
M1 1JF

www.radioregen.org & www.communityradiotoolkit.net (beta site)

skype: philkorbel

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