[CMA] Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) in 2007 - Online Discussion

Alan Fransman alan.fransman at commedia.org.uk
Fri Nov 17 17:27:31 GMT 2006

Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) in 2007 - Online Discussion

In response to Phil's call for for campaign ideas on the CSR 2007, it 
would be important to refer to Government's own published material on 
the funding mechanisms for Community Media.

Section 359 of the Communications Act 2003 says that the Secretary of 
State may introduce secondary legislation which enables ofcom to make 
grants to local Digital Television:

Some forward planning and a healthy allocation required for a fund that 
offers viable options for Local and Community Digital Television 
licensees after Digital Switchover.

Coming back to the Community Radio fund, a useful reference to the 
expected size of the fund can be found in the following publication:

A New Future for Communications
Draft Regulatory Impact Assessment

See page 46

Costs to Taxpayer and Economy
C53. The pilots will look at the various funding models for such 
stations. One possibility being considered is the creation by Government 
of an access radio fund to support the establishment and running of 
access radio stations. If it is decided to proceed with such a scheme 
the amount of Government support is unlikely to be more than £3 to 4 
million per annum.

The full document is available on this link:

Book now for the Community Media sector's premier event!

CMA Festival & AGM 2006
25 November 2006
City University

Alan Fransman
Community Media Association
15 Paternoster Row
S1 2BX

+44 114 279 5219


Access to the media for people and communities

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