[CMA] CMA Council elections 2006

Alan Fransman alan.fransman at commedia.org.uk
Tue Nov 28 19:18:09 GMT 2006


CMA Council elections 2006

Seven members were elected to serve on the Community Media Association 
Council at the CMA's Annual General Meeting in London on 25 November.

The new Council members are Cathy Aitchison from London Link Radio, Alex 
Green from ALL FM in Manchester, Richard Hilton, a CMA member for over 
20 years and Head of Management Accounting at Business in the Community 
(BITC), Darren Jenkinson from Prescap/Preston FM, Nic Millington from 
the Rural Media Company in Hereford, Javed Sattar from Awaz FM in 
Glasgow and Phil Shepherd from the Engine Room in Somerset.

Council members elected in 2005, serving an existing two year term are:
Martin Blissett from New Style Radio in Birmingham, Jenny Campbell from 
Inspiration FM in Northampton, Roger Drury from Forest of Dean Community 
Radio, Herman Irish from Haringey City Radio in London, Amarjit Khera 
from Desi Radio in West London, Phil Korbel from Radio Regen in 
Manchester, Jane Mote, an independent media consultant based in London 
and Lesley Pullar from the Chislehurst Society in Kent.

For further information visit the CMA website:

Alan Fransman
Community Media Association
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S1 2BX

+44 114 279 5219

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