[Mmwg] Results of the Election

William Drake drake at hei.unige.ch
Thu Feb 9 06:13:16 GMT 2006


Clearly we are going to the wrong island!  How about IGF 2007 in T&T?


-----Original Message-----
From: mmwg-bounces at wsis-cs.org [mailto:mmwg-bounces at wsis-cs.org]On Behalf Of Jacqueline Morris
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 4:27 AM
To: Avri Doria
Cc: mmwg at wsis-cs.org
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: [Mmwg] Results of the Election

  Hi all
  Please do enjoy Malta and don't let it be ALL work!
  I will be here in the Caribbean working really hard in our annual Carnival festival  and (NOT) envying you at all. Except for the meeting of minds  - here it's just the meeting of wine, women and song! But I will be online, so please keep those of us not in Malta up to date with discussions and information. 
  Have a safe journey

  On 2/8/06, Avri Doria <avri at psg.com> wrote:

    if i had known this was a way to get free booze, i might have started
    this up a while ago.

    thanks for the offers to share the expense.  it was not necessary,
    but thanks none the less.

    this time, assuming  you all decide this is what we should do, 
    perhaps one mistake can be alleviated and the 3 second round
    candidates can send me short bios i can include for those who don't
    know you already.

    also, there was a suggestion of switching from forcing each person to 
    vote for two, to allowing each person to vote for up to 2.

    let me know what you all decide.

    and now, off to malta.

    mmwg mailing list
    mmwg at wsis-cs.org

  Jacqueline Morris
  T&T Music and videos online 
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