[Mmwg] IGF Input

Jacqueline Morris jam at jacquelinemorris.com
Sat Feb 25 17:17:27 GMT 2006

This sounds very workable. I would support this  - only question is about
the mandate - the Govts particularly may be uncomfortable with the random
long/short mandate idea.(Choina be there for 2 years and US only for 1...)
Sorry I can't help more, but I'm into >24 work days for the next 4 days...
Wolfgang is Chairing alone until then.

On 2/24/06, Luc Faubert <LFaubert at conceptum.ca> wrote:
>  1.
> Let's name the "thing" : IGF Committee.
> 2. Composition
> 5 regions x 1 rep from 4 groups (Gov, Biz, PS and T&A) = 20 members.
> Chosen by each group's constituants for 2 year term.
> Term of a randomly selected half of the first Committee has a 1 year
> mandate, other half a 2 year mandate. [In order to ensure continuity in the
> transition.]
> 3. Mandate
> Determine structure of physical meetings.
> Approve proposals for the creation of thematic work groups.
> [Let's try to keep the Committee's mandate to the strict minimum and have
> most of the work accomplished by the WGs/Plenary combination.]
> ====
> Note that this answers only Desai's first question regarding the "program
> committee."
> Second question was about priority of themes to be discussed in Athens.
> Will we submit a prioritized list of themes ?
> - Luc Faubert
> ISOC Québec
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Jacqueline Morris
T&T Music and videos online
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