[Mmwg] Combining models

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Tue Jan 17 21:21:39 GMT 2006

At 2:57 PM -0500 1/17/06, Milton Mueller wrote:
>  >>> David Allen <David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu> 1/17/2006 2:14 PM >>>
>>If we conclude for some representation
>We haven't, as far as I can tell.

The point, of course, is the challenge to engender quality of the 
control exercised - if we build on Vittorio's model.

(Indeed, before we get to 'typical' representative structures, CS 
'open' mechanisms have already adopted various rudimentary 
representations.  So we face the question regardless.  As yours said. 
But that's now all old news.)

>A trust model (such as you propose)

Within Vittorio's model.  My thought is less model, than observation 
(which doubtless can benefit from views by other eyes).

>  is not based on a principle of "representation."

Actually, the point of the logic was just the reverse.

But this opens up some of the puzzles ... when we get to it.

>Those who support a "representative" model must understand that we 
>cannot judge its merits or demerits until we are given a specific 
>set of admission and voting criteria. The value, risks and dangers 
>all emerge once you know the specifics. No use in debating the need 
>for "admission and voting" procedures in the abstract.

Quite so, in my view.  In fact we need to think about those 
mechanisms, if we are to give Vittorio's more form.


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