[Mmwg] adopting reports

Vittorio Bertola vb at bertola.eu.org
Sat Jan 28 14:37:57 GMT 2006

Milton Mueller ha scritto:
> I think what both Luc and I had in mind was a process whereby a WG
> plunks a report on the table, gets it on the agenda, and then Plenary
> reacts to it. They do not "edit" it, they do not go through it line
> by line, etc. They do not wordsmith. They deliberate. They discuss
> what is missing, what is agreeable and disagreeable, what is
> misinterpreted, etc. If there is no rough consensus on publication
> the WG has to make changes.

I share Bill's concern on the size of the Plenary: take the set of 
WSIS/WGIG participants that were interested in the "structural" parts of 
IG, add the people who are interested in the different issues that the 
IGF will discuss, and you easily get to a WSIS-like dimension. I'm sure 
that the idea of the IGF as a "world ICT policy fair" is interesting to 
some - could be for the hosts, for example, as it would give them 
exposure - but it doesn't seem too productive to me.

As I want the IGF to be able to actually make a difference (yes, Milton, 
I know it's not going to write binding policy in the proper sense, but I 
expect it to write policy recommendations - and in a certain sense even 
the RFCs are standard recommendations, more than binding standards) I am 
more interested in a workable mechanism to discuss, agree and adopt 
documents. I'm not against the "world fair" idea, but I don't want it to 
get in the way of productivity.

So it seems hard to me to imagine a set of 500, 1000 or 2000 people who 
get together, online or physically, and take decisions about whether 
each draft is acceptable or not and how to change it (all in two days 
per year?). On the other hand, a period of public comment by Plenary 
members would be very important, and I like Avri's idea of the WG having 
to take care of them and specify whether and how they were accommodated. 
But I see this more under the form of a mandatory and structured public 
consultation conducted through online means, than of an actual phyiscal 
vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Prima o poi...

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