[Mmwg] Caucus nomcom

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Thu Jun 12 16:58:12 BST 2008


If this list is still alive (find out in a moment) it might be the 
place to begin discussing amendments to the caucus nomcom procedures.

Some information that might be helpful:

Caucus website <http://www.igcaucus.org/>

Caucus charter <http://www.igcaucus.org/IGC-charter_final-061014.html>

Current nomcom process <http://www.igcaucus.org/nomcom-process.html>, 
and as it's the focus, copied below.

The charter says:

"All nominations to external bodies, e.g., the IGF multistakholder 
advisory group, will be made using a randomly selected nomcom process 
as defined in <http://www.igcaucus.org/nomcom-process.html>"

And the nomcom process:

"Randomly selected nominating committee

In an effort to foster full inclusion in the process of selecting the 
appeals board and any other appointments the IGC may make other then 
the election of coordinators, a nominating committee process will be 
used. A nominating committee will be composed of 5 IGC members 
selected at random according to the process documented in RFC3797.

NomCom Process Details:

1. Whenever possible a call for volunteers for a nominating committee 
(nomcom) will be posted 2 months before the scheduled selection of 
appeals team or selection of any other list of nominees needs to be 

One month will be used to constitute the nomcom and determine the 
criteria for the selections they are to make, and one month will be 
used to discuss and decide on candidates.

2. At least 25 volunteers, i.e. 5 volunteers for each nomcom seat, 
are required for running the random process.

3. A non voting chair will be appointed by the coordinators for each 
nomcom with the advice of the IGC membership. In order to serve as a 
chair, it is recommended that a person has served in at least one 
nomcom previously.

4. All nomcom participants, voting and non voting, will be 
disqualified from selection as candidates for the list or team being 
chosen. Members of the current appeals team will also be disqualified 
from being chosen.

5. Criteria used by nomcom will be made public and will be reviewed 
by the caucus whenever possible before decisions are made

6. All candidates reviewed by nomcom will be made public as will 
their applications and other information

7. The nomcom chair will put out a report after the selection giving 
a description of the internal processes used in the selection.

8. Each nomcom will be selected for a specific decision and will be 
disbanded after the decision is made.

9. There is no limit on the number of nomcoms an individual may serve on."

I suggest that discussion focus on a process for recommending names 
for the MAG. Remembering the caucus cannot appoint or select, it can 
only recommend.  That the MAG rotation process may change.

If members of the most recent nomcom are not members of this list 
(hope it works...) suggest they are invited to join.


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