Abdullah Ocalan Comments On South K

stk at schism.antenna.nl stk at schism.antenna.nl
Tue Sep 3 04:24:00 BST 1996

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akin at kurdish.org (AKIN) writes:

American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN)
September 2, 1996
Press Release # 13
Telephone: (202) 483-6444

PKK President Abdullah Ocalan Comments
On The Situation In South Kurdistan

The following are excerpts from a statement issued by Kurdistan Workers
Party (PKK) President Abdullah Ocalan. The statement was broadcast on the
Kurdish satellite station MED-TV in Europe on September 1, 1996:

        "This move by Saddam challenges the balance of power in the region;
it will pave the way for new developments. Jalal Talabani [head of the
beleaguered Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, PUK] has said, 'If America does
not help us, we will of course reserve the right to turn to parties who are
willing to help us.' But why call on the West for help? What have the Kurds
gained by relying on others? We are following the developments on the
ground very closely.
        "We feel that the policies which Mr. Talabani has pursued were
wrong. We also expect Mr. Barzani [head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party,
KDP] not to harm the imprisoned leading members of the PUK. If these
persons - Dr. Fuat Mahsum, Kemal Fuat, Omer Fatah, Adil Murat, Sadun Fehli,
Mamoste Ceto, and Kafhiye Suleyman - are murdered, we will take the
necessary steps to respond.
        "This KDP collaboration with Iraq must come to an end. If the war
escalates, we are ready for it. We want a peaceful and democratic solution
for the Kurds. For our part, we have done our share to achieve this result.
We will continue to do so.
        "This incursion by Iraq poses new challenges to Mr. Talabani, Mr.
Barzani, and to the neighboring countries in the region. As the Kurdish
people in South Kurdistan become increasingly disillusioned with their
traditional leaders, our party will continue to gain in strength and
influence in the region.
        "We hear that there is talk of autonomy for the Kurds in northern
Iraq [South Kurdistan], but this brings to mind the 1974 negotiations
between the KDP and the regime in Baghdad. Those talks resulted in the
inglorious end of Mullah Mustafa Barzani [founder of the KDP]. If his son,
Mesut Barzani, plays the same game, he will meet the same end.
        "Turkey will use this autonomous region like a puppet, and I wonder
if Mr. Barzani is willing to play that game. If he opts for it, we will be
forced to respond. We will not accept it. We will redouble our efforts for
the liberation front, broaden our war front, and expand our efforts at
creating a broad democratic front."

American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN)
2623 Connecticut Avenue NW #1
Washington, DC 20008-1522

Tel: (202) 483-6444
Fax: (202) 483-6476
E-mail: akin at kurdish.org
Home Page: http://burn.ucsd.edu/~akin

The American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) provides a public service
to foster Kurdish-American understanding and friendship

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Solidaritygroup Turkey-Kurdistan
Memberorganisation of Foundation Initiativegroup Kurdistan
P.O. Box 85306
3508 AH Utrecht
The Netherlands
stk at schism.antenna.nl

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