The Hamburg incidents
english at
english at
Sat Feb 7 10:07:13 GMT 1998
The gang of putchists and contras has wounded two of our sympathisers
in Hamburg. The attack was carried out before the eyes of the police.
On January 30, 1998, five members of the putchists and contras gang
attacked two sympathisers of the DHKP-C in Hamburg. One of the
attacked persons was wounded by three bullets, the second one was
severely wounded by five bullets. Three of the five contras who
carried out the attack were apprehended by the police, the others
escaped. The assailants, according to the police, had come from
Frankfurt in a yellow Golf with Frankfurt plates, constantly watched
by the police. This means the police knew from the beginning what was
possibly going to happen and that they therefore assisted the
assailants by not intervening. It's not just a scandal when it is
claimed that the witnesses of the event were mostly criminal
investigators, it also shows the support of the German police for the
putchists and contras gang. While the police never intervened in all
the attacks by the contras till now, they constantly went after our
sympathisers, putting them in custody, criminalising the people who
had been subjected to the attacks, treating them as potential
delinquents. The event was widely covered the following day,
especially in the local press. However, the press reports only
reflected a planned police provocation against our organisation. They
even went so far to criminalise our organisation, using headlines
which presented the event as a pay-off between Mafia circles. Although
nothing of this is according the truth, it was not deemed necessary to
cite sources to confirm these allegations. Furthermore, things were
spread about our past which were completely false. The article in the
Hamburger Bild daily was one of this kind. The one who was responsible
for the article, Thomas Rosin, choose the following headline: "After
the shooting in Ottensen: now the blood-feud". The writer literally
composed a Western scenario. He is knowingly lying, using expressions
which gives the readers goose-flesh. An example: "The 5-man strong
terror group consists of a gang of Dev-Sol activists and Kurdish
PKK-members", but such a statement cannot even be found in the police
report. The provocation, prepared by the police, can be found at the
end of the article when a detective is quoted: "Now we can expect a
blood-feud. The supporters of the Dev-Sol wing of Yagan and their
friends of the PKK will have to pay for this attack". In this way, it
is tried to prepare the basis for police attacks against our
organisation by raising the expectation of a act of revenge by our
organisation in Hamburg against the putchists-contras. Another paper,
using the same kind of expressions and pursuing the same goal, was the
"Hamburger Morgenpost". The Morgenpost, using dramatic headlines,
points at our movement as being "blood-thirsty" and "dangerous". One
shouldn't forget however that it were the murderers of the peoples in
this world, the USA and the CIA, who used the same expressions in
their "Terrorism Report", published in 1997. This kind of speech even
makes crows laugh. Look at the expressions which are normally only
used by the authors and publishers of cheap detectives: "High Noon",
"The Duel in Altona", "War of the Kurds in Altona?", "Those who speak
out are as good as dead", "Fearing the revenge of the radical Turks",
"Those who speak must die", "Has the next attack already been
planned", et cetera, et cetera. The Morgenpost wrote about the history
of our movement, about which they could have got information from
everywhere, just as they remembered it to be, or like the police had
told them to do. Logically, the story was such a conjecture, it can't
even be could false anymore. (The most clear example: the founding of
our movement was reported to have taken place 8 years before it had
actually been the case.) The reports and the article in the Morgenpost
must be seen as preparations for provocations, using police sources,
against our sympathisers. It should not be forgotten there's nothing
in the history of our organisation we would have to hide. In the
history of our struggle, we defended all we did and we rejected
everything we did not have to account for. Whether or not we were
convicted according to the laws of the fascist state in our country
was of no importance to us. We were legitimate, the fascist state on
the contrary was illegitimate, politically as well as historically.
Therefore we stood behind all our actions, although we knew the
fascist state would give us the highest sentences. The German police
and press have always tried to hold us responsible for actions we did
not commit, for which we did not stand. That's how they try to
criminalise us. With this kind of reports they try to connect us with
several events which occurred in Hamburg in the past. We state once
again these claims are not according to the truth. It are the police
plans to attack our sympathisers which are behind these efforts. We
have to ask here what the role of the police is in all these events.
The German police literally encouraged the contra-gang to attack our
sympathisers and did absolutely nothing, even though they observed
these people constantly. Furthermore it has to be said that it is
common knowledge that some of these persons co-operate directly with
the police. And it's impossible that the police didn't know what
people they were dealing with, prior to finding the narcotics in the
houses of the contra-gang, an amount which could only serve dealing
purposes. Our call to the German public: the only legitimate and
competent organ to make statements about our organisation, or actions
our organisation was connected with, is our organisation itself. The
German public should not simply belief some statements and claims,
where ever they come from. It's not our custom to deceive and mislead
the public. This is a notion which is solely characteristic for the
German police which is preparing further provocations.
European Representation
February 1, 1998
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi (Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front)
DHKC Informationbureau Amsterdam
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