The Press Oppressed- a talk in London
greenscreen at
greenscreen at
Tue Feb 17 04:35:32 GMT 1998
posted by:
Umit Ozturk
Green Screen News
PO Box 10386
London E17 7RG, U.K.
tel: +44-(0)956-656937
email: greenscreen at
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
The Kurdish Question and the Media in Turkey
A talk by Umit Ozturk
(Environmental Journalist and Human Rights Activist from Turkish Kurdistan)
- Oppressive laws and censorship
- detention, torture and extra-judicial execution
of journalists
- Turkish nationalism and the mainstream Turkish media
- The perception of Kuridsh identity in the media
Talk followed by a slide show and an exhibition of
Kurdish periodicals
Date : Wednesday 25th February
Time : 6.30 pm (coffeee served from 6pm)
Venue : SOAS, Thornaugh Street, London WC1 OXG
Nearest Tube : Russel Square (Picadilly Line)
The Kurdish Studies Forum is an interdisciplinary forum for everyone whose research
or work relates to Kurdistan. It offers an opportunity to present research topics
for discussion, and to exchange regional knowledge. Although intended as an academic
forum, the meetings are open to everyone who may be interested. Offers of papers
to be presented at future meetings are are most welcome. It is aimed that meetings
be restored to monthly sessions during term time. Further details available from
the convenor, Maria O'Shea (0181-518032) or C/O the Near and Middle East Centre,
SOAS. (0171-323 6239)
If you wish to added to the mailing list for future meetings of the Kurdish Studies
Forum, please leave your details for Maria O'Shea, C/O the Centre for Near and Middle
East Studies, SOAS, Thornaugh Street, London WC1H OXG. The Kurdish Studies Forum
is grateful for the support of the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, SOAS.
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