Gulf Crisis Mobilisation Update
greenscreen at
greenscreen at
Wed Feb 18 05:40:18 GMT 1998
posted by:
Umit Ozturk
Green Screen News
PO Box 10386
London E17 7RG, U.K.
tel: +44-(0)956-656937
email: greenscreen at
received from: "War Resisters' International"
<warresisters at>
WRI/PEACE NEWS Gulf Crises Mobilisation UPDATE LIST
17 February 1998
This list is compiled from emails we get from
pacifist organisations and activists around the
world who are protesting the military build-up
in the Gulf. It is a PARTIAL LIST and being added
to daily.
Please help me keep it updated by sending short
and SUCCINCT additions,corrections, etc.
Updates will be sent once or twice a week to this
mailing list and anyone else who asks to be on it.
(Send requests to warresisters at, "Gulf
mailing list" in the Subject line.)
There is a LOT happening in response to U.S. and
British aggression toward Iraq! Hopefully, diplomacy
will prevail and there will soon be no more need for
these updates...
Report by Stephen Hancock -- Peace News
There have been countless vigils across Britain in opposition to the
proposed bombing - and often also in opposition to the continuing economic
sanctions. In the event of bombing, people intend to hold candle-lit vigils
in their town and city centres. The National Peace Council has compiled a
list of local contacts for these vigils and other activities.
There are at least four coalitions I know of that have sprung up. This is
slightly confusing.
A public meeting in the Houses of Parliament on February 12th attracted
over 700 people and launched the Emergency Committee on Iraq (ECI) - an
initiative supported by several left-wing Labour MPs (Members of Parliament).
The National Peace Council Gulf Crisis Network (NPC GCN) organised a very
successful demonstration - at only one week's notice -- at the Ministry of
Defence buildings in central London on Saturday February 14th. Between 2000
and 3000 people attended. Following speeches by two Iraqi women, a member
of the United Nations Association and veteran left-wing MP Tony Benn, there
was a symbolic encirclement of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) buildings,
and, simultaneously, a spontaneous sit-down protest in Whitehall - the main
street running past the MoD and Downing Street. About 500 people blocked
the road for nearly two hours, before being moved on by police. Nine people
were arrested.
On Monday February 16th, a hundred activists blockaded Northwood (Britain's
Joint Rapid Deployment Force HQ in north-west London). Both gates were
blockaded for five hours, and no traffic entered the base (although police
broke the blockade at the main gate on three separate occasions - in order
to let workers out). There were three arrests.
Both Monday's and Saturday's actions gained significant press coverage and
firmly established that there is public opposition to current British and
US war-mongering.
Women in Black are holding weekly vigils in central London, and there is
regular Saturday vigil (12.00 - 13.30) opposite Downing Street (organised
by the proposers of the Ad Hoc Committee Against War in the Gulf - tel +44
171 436 4636).
Further nonviolent direct action is planned, including an imminent trespass
at Fylingdales - a US communications base in the north of England - and a
"citizens' inspection" of Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment is
planned for Friday (20th). In the event of bombing, as well as vigils,
there will be nonviolent actions - at British and US bases.
Two members of the London-based anti-militarist group, ARROW (Active
Resistance to the Roots of War) are currently in Iraq with members of the
US-based sanctions-breaking group, Voices in the Wilderness.
Peace News has produced an "Iraq Crisis" supplement detailing British and
international responses, and its next issue (out February 26th) will have
fuller round-up of activities - please send them details about what you are
doing or have done (and include clear contact details).
People were slow to wake up to this crisis, but now there is a lot of
activity. Some of the media talks about our protests alongside the
diplomatic efforts. Most of the media, though, spouts government propaganda
- but even some prominent militarists are saying that what is proposed
doesn't making sense.
Peace News, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DY, England (tel +44 171 278
3344; fax 278 4040; email peacenews at
National Peace Council, 88 Islington High Street, London N1 8EG, England
(tel +44 171 354 5200; fax 354 0033; email npc at
National Emergency Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq
CONTACT: International Action Center
39 West 14 Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter at
phone: (212) 633-6646
fax: (212) 633-2889
So far, demos have been held in AT LEAST 60 towns, cities,
etc. - arrests only in DC that we know about so far...
The National Emergency Coalition comprises over 40 organisations
and individuals and is sponsoring local protests in more than
50 cities between February 17-24 prior to the mass demonstrations
on February 28. The Coalition is sponsoring a February 17
protest at 5 pm at Times Square in New York. The group will
also rally at Times Square on February 21.
For Immediate Release
Press Contact: Brian Becker/Deirdre Sinnott/Kadouri Al Kaysi
Attention: News Editor (212) 633-6646
Thousands will Demonstrate on February 28 in First National
Protests Opposing New U.S. War on Iraq. The newly formed
National Emergency Coalition to Stop the U.S. War Against
Iraq has set two national anti-war protests on February 28,
1998, for New York City and San Francisco.
The Coalition includes over two hundred groups and prominent
individuals from anti-war, civil rights, labor union's, women's,
student, lesbian, gay, bi and trans, veterans, and religious
The New York City demonstration on February 28 will include
a mass march from Times Square to the U.S. Mission to the
United Nations. The Times Square rally will begin at noon.
Demonstrators in San Francisco will assemble at Dolores Park
at 11:00 AM.
CONTACT: Serdar Tekin
Izmir Savas Karsitlari Dernegi
Izmir War Resisters' Association
Tel: + 90 - 232 - 464 24 92
Fax: + 90 - 232 - 464 08 42
e-mail: osi at
ISKD will make a press statement on the street on
February 13 and will protest the attitude of USA and its
There is no concrete plan now. One idea is to write an
anti-war manifest and try to distribute it widely, get
signatures from well-known intellectuals, artists etc to
create publicity.
ODP (Ozgurluk ve Dayanisma Partisi - Freedom and Solidarity
Party) started a march from Ankara to Incirlik, an American
military airforce unit in the south of Turkey which was used to
bomb Iraq in 1991.
Eugene Peaceworks
CONTACT: Jen & Michael. 541-343-8548, 454 Willamette,
Eugene, OR 97401 <eugpeace at>
We are having a rally today, Wed. 2/11 from 4:30-5:30 asking
people to call the president and our two senators (Ron Wyden,
up for re-election & Gordon Smith on the Foreign Relations
committee) to encourage creative diplomacy.
We are still planning future actions. An ongoing educational
and letter writing campaign likely, getting peace activism
going again at the University of Oregon, etc. Possibly
weekly Rallies.
Peter Jones
CONTACT: Philip White in Adelaide <philshiro at>
and Shane Guthrie in Perth <camperth at>
There are Gulf actions in Canberra, Perth, Armidale (NSW)
and Adelaide that I know of.
Maggie Helwig
CONTACT: Maggie Helwig <maggie at>
527 Markham St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6G 2L4,
+1-416-537-7290 (tel/fax, but phone first)
An ad hoc group of about 15 people (including members of
Veterans Against Nuclear Arms, the Quakers, Toronto Action
for Social Change, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty,
and me, plus Ken and Simone) took part in a 30-hour sit-in
at the office of Canada's "Defence" Minister Art Eggleton,
from 11 am Feb 9 to 5 pm Feb 10, while Cabinet was deliber-
ating on Canadian participation in the US action.
We held a press conference with representatives of several
religious and ethnic communities in Mr Eggleton's office on
the morning of the 10th.
We did call, on the radio, for people to occupy the offices
of their MPs... I can guarantee we will have other actions...
...the Canadian Arab Federation has made good statements to
the press, as has the Canadian Iraqi Coordinating Committee
(they're an anti-Saddam, anti-military-intervention group).
CAF can be reached at 5298 Dundas St W, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, +1-416-231-7524. CICC I'm not sure about.
Ernst Guelcher
Green Group in the European Parliament, Peace and Disarmament
CONTACT: Ernst Guelcher <eguelcher at> week in Strasbourg the European Parliament is
debating the crisis situation and will hopefully adopt a
strong resolution against military attack on Iraq.
Forum voor Vredesaktie
CONTACT: Eloi Glorieux, fax: +32-2-640 07 74, tel:
+32-2-648 75 83, or e-mail <forum at>
Forum will organize a first meeting with other peace
organisations (For Mother Earth-Belgium; Vrede; ...) on
Sunday 15 Feb in Antwerp to see what kind of direct non-
violent actions could be done the next week.
The already scheduled meeting of the Abolition 2000 coalition
in Belgium, on Monday 16 Feb in Brussels, will be used to
prepare some common public actions against the deepening
On Tuesday 17 Feb there will be a great symbolic action
"PEACE IS OVER - WAR CAN BE" in front of the NATO headquarters
in Brussels (at 3 p.m.) organized by Forum voor Vredesaktie
in collaboration with the Flemish Theater groups STAN and
DITO-DITO, with the active support of Frank Vercruyssen, Tom
Lanoye (famous writer), Benjamin Verdonck, Willy Thomas and
other personalities from the world of culture, theater and
Many other organisations are planning actions (e.g., Pax
Jan Smiley (organisation - ?)
CONTACT: Jan Smiley <vine43 at>
Protest Demonstration in Orlando, Florida on Saturday,
February 14, 1998, Valentine's Day. The theme is "Have a
Heart, Spare the Iraqi Children." We will meet at Wall
Street Plaza, at 1:00 p.m. Then we will march peacefully
through the downtown area toward Church Street, passing out
"valentines" to people urging them to join the protest.
American Friends Service Committee
CONTACT: Mira Tanna, St. Louis
(314) 862-5773
mvtanna at
We are organizing the following activities:
February 27, 1998 Rally in front of the Federal Court House
at Market and Tucker Blvds., from 4:30 - 6 pm. We will be
alerting the US attorney to violations of international law
by the United States. American and Iraqi speakers will
address the impact of the sanctions on the people of Iraq
and the impact another war would have.
DAY OF US ATTACK Candlelight vigil will begin at the Robert
Young Federal Building on Spruce and Tucker at 8:00 pm on the
day that bombing begins.
Also, we are organizing daily briefings for the press on
different aspects of the crisis in Iraq beginning on February
Jonah House
CONTACT: Disarmnow at
We witness at the White House on a regular basis through-
out the year and frequently at the Pentagon regarding Iraq.
Tomorrow we will participate with faith-based people in
civil resistance again at the White House to call
attention to the new escalated threats of bombing.
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
CONTACT: Bill Frankel-Streit 202-882-9649
Max Obuszewski 410-323-7200 or <maxo at>
503 Rock Creek Church Road, NW, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C. Protest on Thursday, February 12 at White
House at 12 noon
The Student Political Responsibility and Awareness Collective
(SPARC) at University of Vermont
CONTACT: Greg Guma, editor of Toward Freedom
<MavMedia at>
SPARC has planned a teach-in to unravel the sordid history
of US policy in the Persian Gulf at 7 p.m. on Thursday,
Feb. 12, in room 105 of the Votey building on campus.
Organizers oppose both the ongoing UN-backed blockade and
the current rush to war.
Ithaca chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America
This organisation opposes the use of force in Iraq. Several
members sent an e-mail message opposing bombing to all US
senators and congresspeople who have e-mail addresses. ...
I can make the list available <jec13 at>
or <je.coleman at>.
CONTACT: Sylvia Wahl, coordinator, Phone: 607 257-2520
ETAN Washington Office
CONTACT: <etandc at>
...for more information on the International Days
of Protest
There will ... be demonstrations at the White House at noon
on Wednesday, February 11, and Thursday, February 12 (a
national day of protest on the anniversary of bombing of
Amariyah shelter).
In DC, Womens Strike For Peace and other groups have called
for a protest at the White House on Thursday, February 5th
at Noon.
One Million Signatures Campaign
Egypt and U.S.
Egypt: Sohair Soukkary, Tel: 011 20 2 525 3810;
Fax: 011 20 2 342 0661
United States: Rania Masri, Tel: 919 848 4738;
Fax: 919 846 7422; E: IAC at
Dr. Mohammed Mehdi, Tel: 212 972 0460; Fax: 212 682
On Tuesday January 13, 1997, a coalition of Egyptian and
international organizations will deliver almost 18 million
signatures demanding an end to the sanctions on the Iraqi
people. The One Million Signature Campaign, which began in
July 1997, far exceeded its expectations by raising almost
18 million signatures, all united "to save the children of
Iraq, and ban economic blockades as weapons of mass
destruction." ... The ceremony <took> place at 3:00 p.m.,
on Tuesday January 13, at the Cairo Official Stadium.
The 11th Hour Peace Coalition
CONTACT: Larry Jackson, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs,
NY 12866, (518)-581-6051
<ljackson at>
Public Fast
The 11th Hour Peace Coalition will sponsor a public 24 hour
fast beginning Friday, January 30 at 12 noon.
Students at Skidmore College, founders of the peace
organization, will lead the fast.
Students are using the fast to protest sanctions in Iraq and
the threat of impending military force.
The fast is inspired by the recent statement of opposition
issued by 54 Catholic Bishops against the sanctions in Iraq.
...Three of the Bishops have begun an indefinite hunger
strike with the demand of meeting with President Clinton.
1. IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation),
NETHERLANDS and U.S. FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
IFOR CONTACT: Anke Kooke, IFOR General Secretary
<office at>
Fax: +31-72 515 1102
FOR CONTACT: Doug Hostetter <dhostetter at>
2. International Peace Bureau (IPB)
3. Committee on the Middle East
4. Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation
We have made a statement on on the Gulf crisis to the Swedish
Government, to not give US support if US acts without the
support of UN Security Council. The statement was made
together with the Swedish Peace Conucil.
CONTACT: Isak Svensson <i.svensson at>
5. American Friends Service Committee, St. Louis, U.S.;
CONTACT: Mira Tanna, St. Louis (314) 862-5773
<mvtanna at>
1. Anti war-on-Iraq homepages and websites
A number of U.S. peace movement groups have pulled together
a site to track on the Iraq Crisis and provide weekly
commentary and opinions. Hosted on the Nonviolence Web, home
to dozens of U.S. peace organizations, it is linked to back-
ground pieces, action alerts, a "what you can do" section,
and a discussion board. Perhaps most importantly, there's a
section where participants can list local demonstrations and
start building a grassroots movement against military action
in the Gulf. The "Iraq Crisis Antiwar Homepage" is located at:
You may also find these useful:
2. Two other nonviolent activist organisations in Austria:
The Aktionsgemeinschaft "Christinnen und Christen für die
Oeverseestr. 2c
1150 WIEN
Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence
Postfach 504, (Wolfgangerstr. 26 )
A-4820 Bad Ischl, Austria
fon/fax: +43 6132 24590
3. For information on the plan to wear black armbands
as a sign of solidarity with the people of Iraq:
<atdmckenna at>
4. Another German organisation with information:
Tel.: +49-441-17436
Fax: +49-441-2489661
Alteneschstrasse 15
D- 26135 Oldenburg
email: WRI-AG.FOEGA at
5. Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (CASI)
CASI now has an email discussion list, for free discussion of
issues relating to the sanctions and Iraq. At the moment, the
topic is unsurprisingly focused on the bombing of Iraq. To join,
contact Seb Wills <saw27 at>.
6. For information on actions in Italy:
Saluti pacifisti,
(Walter Peruzzi, Piero Maestri, Paolo Limonta)
War Resisters' International is a network of pacifists
and nonviolent activists on every continent who work
on national, regional, and international levels, as well
as in local communities, to end war and the causes of war.
Founded in 1921, WRI is based on the declaration made by
each member: "War is a crime against humanity. I am there-
fore determined not to support any kind of war and to
strive for the removal of the causes of war." For more
information on joining WRI or making a donation, please
ask for a WRI leaflet. WRI, 5 Caledonian Rd., London,
U.K. N1 9DX (warresisters at
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