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<p align="center"><font face="Arial"><b><font style="font-size: 9pt;"
</font><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">VECAM,
</font><font style="font-size: 9pt;" size="2">are
pleased to invite you<br>
</font></b><font style="font-size: 9pt;" size="2"><br>
</font><b><font style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2">"Power
Knowledge (Pouvoir Savoir) : <br>
beyond the Internet, the development
of the south confronted with the intellectual property "<br>
Savoir : au delà de l’internet, le développement du
sud confronté à la propriété
</font></b></font><a href="http://cfeditions.com/actuel.php#pidev"><b><font
style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"><font face="Arial">http://cfeditions.com/actuel.php#pidev</font></font></b></a><b><font
style="font-size: 10pt;" size="2"><font face="Arial">
<p><font face="Arial"><font style="font-size: 9pt;" size="2"><br>
November 15 - 15h00/17.00 - Jerba Room / Table ronde - Mardi 15
novembre - 15h00/17h00 Salle Jerba<br>
Debate introduced and
chaired by Valerie Peugeot, Vecam -France <br>
With: Jamie Love -
research, industry, patents – USA, Gaëlle Krikorian –
France, Herve Le Crosnier -knowledge and creation – France<br>
An active participation of : Mohamadou Lo - Sénégal /
Sasha Constanza Chock - Etats-Unis / Marcelo d’Elia Branco - Brésil
/ Pascal Renaud - France / Raphael Ntambue - Afrique / Catherine Roy
- Québec / Kemly Camacho - Costa Rica / Rosa Maria Torres -
Equateur / Parta Pratim Sarker - Bengladesh / Sally Burch - Equateur
/ Alain Ambrosi, CMIC/ Daniel Piementa - République
Dominicaine / Alain Kiyindou - Congo<br>
This meeting is an
opportunity to go deeper in the analysis of one of the thematics
transverse to the Word Matters and of major interest to us.
What we propose here is an experience of open debate with three
key civil society actors devoted to a fairer balance of the
intellectual property rights.<br>
It will be also an occasion to
dedicate the book at the end of the meeting.</font></font></p>