<DIV>from: Pierre Chekem</DIV> <DIV>Partnership Coordinator</DIV> <DIV>P.O.Box 7124 Doula, Cameroon</DIV> <DIV>tel(237)7779962</DIV> <DIV><A href="http://www.wagne.net/partners">http://www.wagne.net/partners</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Douala, 13thDecember 2005.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>As participant to the Tunis Summit and member of the African civil</DIV> <DIV>society, may I recall that we were very surprised by the propaganda</DIV> <DIV>organised by many non African media against the summit.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Despite the efforts deployed to make the summit fail, we know that</DIV> <DIV>this summit was one of the UN most successful one organised.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I understand that men and women can disagree even on human</DIV> <DIV>rights issues since the priorities of Africa maynot be the priorities</DIV> <DIV>of other continents. But as civil society organisations, we must</DIV> <DIV>reach a fair consensus and generally agree on
our differences</DIV> <DIV>when they arise. Publishing as consensus a unilateral position</DIV> <DIV>may not be fair.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Somebody should care somewhere on the false image of Africa</DIV> <DIV>portrayed by the majority of western media and fair communication</DIV> <DIV>and consensus among civil society organisations can help in this.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I wish to thank all those who don't only keep a false image of</DIV> <DIV>what happen in the Tunis summit.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Yours sincerely,</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Pierre Chekem</DIV> <DIV>Partnership Coordinator,</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>================================================ </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><BR><BR><B><I>djilali benamrane <dbenamrane@yahoo.com></I></B> a écrit :</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Click http://wsis.funredes.org/acsis/ to
access automatic translation of this message!<BR>_______________________________________<BR><BR>Dear Rikke,<BR>Sorry, i red your message after sending mine, calling<BR>colleagues to stop if possible this debate.<BR>I do not agree with your explanation and as long as we<BR>dont agree on a commun version you cannot consider it<BR>as a consensual one.<BR>You can if you want propose a new text indicating that<BR>the CS has been divided and report on the two<BR>versions, but please don't take an unilateral<BR>position.... <BR>best regards<BR><BR>Je ne partage pas la proposition de Rikke et je<BR>préfère personnellement que dans le texte il y ait une<BR>indication sur les deux positions et interprétations<BR>de la société civile en la matière. Sinon nous<BR>tirerons les conséquences d'une disposition prise<BR>unilatéralement.<BR>Amitiés<BR><BR>--- Rikke Frank Joergensen <RFJ@HUMANRIGHTS.DK>wrote:<BR><BR>> Dear nana and all<BR>> <BR>> The CSIS was not a parallel event to WSIS (the
ones<BR>> which took place at the official space as part of<BR>> the official agenda), but a side event. Its normal<BR>> procedure at UN Summits to hold side events, outside<BR>> the official summit space and open to the general<BR>> public, incl. non accredited entities. CSIS was such<BR>> an event and was publicly announced and recognised<BR>> by the WSIS secretariat and govn. delegations<BR>> several weeks before the summit. We even had formal<BR>> correspondence with diplomates who wanted to attend<BR>> CSIS as speakers or audience. <BR>> <BR>> I believe its important to flag in a<BR>> "fair-to-the-facts way" the obstacles which CS met<BR>> in holding the side events both in Geneve (We Seize)<BR>> and in Tunis (CSIS). I actually think it would be<BR>> unfair to ask us to delete such important<BR>> information. To my mind, the formulations in the<BR>> current draft by ralf are as diplomatic as we can<BR>> reasonably expect
to be. I hope we can agree to this<BR>> language.<BR>> <BR>> best<BR>> Rikke <BR>> <BR>> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----<BR>> Fra: plenary-admin@wsis-cs.org på vegne af NANA<BR>> Delphine<BR>> Sendt: lø 10-12-2005 23:18<BR>> Til: africa@wsis-cs.org<BR>> Cc: plenary@wsis-cs.org;<BR>> wsis-finance@yahoogroupes.fr; bureau@wsis.cs.org;<BR>> wsis@iprolink.ch; wsis@ngocongo.org<BR>> Emne: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Déclaration de la Société<BR>> Civile SMSI - Version DRAFT en Français PROPOSITIONS<BR>> DE CORRECTION<BR>> <BR>> click http://wsis.funredes.org/acsis/ to access<BR>> automatic translation of this message<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Chers Tous,<BR>> <BR>> En la lisant, le draft de la déclaration de la<BR>> Société Civile SMSI, beaucoup des membres de la<BR>> société civile africaine ont remarqué que dans<BR>> l'avant dernier paragraphe du chapitre sur les<BR>> droits de l'homme, il est dit que le Sommet
Citoyen<BR>> qui est un évenement parallele a été empeché de se<BR>> tenir. En consultant par la suite la liste des<BR>> évenements parrallèles "side events" sur le site du<BR>> sommet), cela ne semble pas être le cas. <BR>> <BR>> En plus, il a été convenu dans la reunion de la<BR>> plenière de la societe civile du Vendredi 18<BR>> Novembre 2005 que le contenu de cette declaration<BR>> doit faire l'objet du consensus général au sein de<BR>> la societe civile, et la question du Sommet Citoyen<BR>> ne rentre pas dans le <BR>> consensus. <BR>> Par conséquent, la société civile africaine par<BR>> ma voix, se désolidarise de ce point qui ne<BR>> correspond pas à sa position et demande son<BR>> annulation.<BR>> <BR>> Delphine NANA MEKOUNTE<BR>> Présidente ACSIS ( African Civil Society for the<BR>> Information Society)<BR>> Coordinatrice Générale CEFEPROD<BR>> Statut Consultatif Spécial ECOSOC<BR>> Tél (237) 231 13 17/
999 86 16<BR>> YAOUNDE- Cameroun<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ---------------------------------<BR>> Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le<BR>> nouveau Yahoo! Messenger<BR>> Téléchargez le ici ! <BR>> <BR><BR><BR>Djilali Benamrane : dbenamrane@yahoo.com<BR>Tel/fax : (227) 75 35 09 BP 11207 - Niamey - Niger<BR>Tél/Fax : (331) 01 45 39 77 02 Paris - France<BR>Page web sur le Sommet Mondial sur la Societe de l'Information (SMSI) (mecanismes de financement) http://www.wsis-finance.org et groupe de discussion : http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/ <BR>Page web sur l'Afrique et la globalisation : http://www.multimania.com/djilalibenamrane/<BR>Groupe de discussion: http://www.egroups.com/list/afriqueglobalization<BR><BR>__________________________________________________<BR>Do You Yahoo!?<BR>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <BR>http://mail.yahoo.com <BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Africa
mailing list<BR>Africa@wsis-cs.org<BR>http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/africa<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <DIV></DIV><p>
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