[Telecentres] Content areas - application to telecentres-clarification

Florence Etta fetta at idrc.or.ke
Fri Oct 1 19:27:46 BST 2004

Thanks Don for this very useful clarification.
  At 09:13 PM 10/1/2004 +1000, Don Cameron wrote:
>Hi Elizabeth,
>Perhaps the value of this introductory and diverse discourse is to highlight
>the enormous diversity presented by the term "Telecentre" - Even within the
>constraints of a single community (my own community as an example; we have
>two physical Telecentre's), both have a roughly equal number of computers,
>staff and volunteers and both provide access, training and content... yet
>one targets disadvantaged youth, the other business incubation and
>development. One is completely Open Source, the other runs only commercial
>software. One has a focus on youth and social development, the other
>business and entrepreneurial development (community economic development).
>Both offer training, one in business processes and development, the other in
>social skills and literacy. One offers youth counselling services, the other
>business counselling services. One received a substantial amount of
>kick-start funding; the other received no Government funding. This is
>obviously a very minimalist view of the services and interaction of these
>two Telecentre's however hopefully paints a rough picture.
>Mapping even these Telecentre's serving a common community to the WSIS CS
>declaration is not an easy task as both extend well beyond the WSIS
>declaration in very different directions. It is also pertinent to note how
>the primary objectives of both centres are largely missing from the WSIS
>declaration even though none could argue the importance of these objectives
>to our community's continued development. I'm not sure I can answer your
>question for the Telecentre's I am affiliated with without further
>brainstorming (even after many years of direct involvement I am still
>learning about all the interactions and potential offered by these
>Telecentre's, and in truth I am yet to fully grasp the 'modus operandi' of
>WSIS and what benefits we should expect from the process).
>Rgds, Don
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