[Telecentres] The list of winning projects of the Exchange Program of TAP

Christoph Rößner christoph at chasquinet.org
Sat Sep 23 03:23:22 BST 2006

The Exchange Program, coordinated by the Telecentres of the Americas Partnership (TAP) and financed by Telecentres.org, announces with pleasure the list of proposals for exchange projects, which had been selected in order to receive financial support during this pilot stage of the Exchange Program:
Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration / Intercambio de conocimiento y collaboracion

Colleen Stinson - CAP Society of Cape Breton County - Canada 
Cherylynn Walters - Marieval Enterprise - Canada

Support of the Exchange Program: 1,412.00 USD
Intercambio para el fortalecimiento de la Escuela, Familia y Comunidad, basado en el uso estratégico de las TIC en aplicaciones educativas, con los telecentros comunitarios, para el desarrollo local / Exchange for the strengthening of School, Family and Community based on the strategic use of ICTs in educational applications in community based telecenters

Beatriz Agudelo - Escuela Nueva - Colombia 
Maria de Lourdes Acosta - Escuelas Inter at ctivas - Ecuador
Carlos Bustamante - Escuelas Hermanas - Peru 
Luis Caceres - Programa Escolar de Monitoreo de la Subcuenca del Cotahuasi - Peru

Support of the Exchange Program: 4,900.00 dólares americanos
Improving communication between Mayan immigrants and their families with Telecenters / Mejorando la comunicación entre inmigrantes mayas y sus familiares desde un Telecentro

Roberto Tecú - CETEBI Comunitario Ajb'atz' Enlace Quiché - Guatemala 
Corinn A. Williams - Community Economic Development Center/Greater New Bedford Community Computer Centers (GNBC3) – EE.UU.

Support of the Exchange Program: 1,775.00 dólares americanos
Potenciar la Oferta Digital para l at s Jóvenes de los programas BiblioRedes de Chile y Poder Joven de México / Strengthen the Digital Offer for the Youngsters of the BiblioRedes program in Chile and Young Power in Mexico

Luis Pérez Prado - BiblioRedes - Chile 
Juan Carlos Rico Campos - Centros Interactivos Poder Joven – México

Support of the Exchange Program: 8,030.00 dólares americanos
Intercambio de experiencias para fortalecer el trabajo de las comunidades indígenas en Sololà, Guatemala y en el Chaco, Ecuador – principalmente fortalecer la capacidad de administración de ambos Telecentros Comunitarios / Exchange of experiences for the strengthening of the indigenous communities in Sololá, Guatemala and El Chaco, Ecuador – principally by strengthening the administration capabilities of both community based telecenters

Vilma Leticia Tuy Jiatz - Asociación para el desarrollo integral de Guatemala Maya "AJSAMAJEL WINAQ" - Guatemala
Wilson Pinta - Telecentro Comunitario del Chaco – Ecuador

Support of the Exchange Program: 2,760.00 dólares americanos
Intercambiar experiencias entre jóvenes / Exchange experiences among young people

Sandra Chamba - Escuela Politécnica Nacional – Ecuador
Andrés Rosero - Escuela Politécnica Nacional – Ecuador
Alfonso Andy - Telecentro Chichico Rumi – Ecuador
Janneth Chimbo - Telecentro Chichico Rumi – Ecuador

Support of the Exchange Program: 352.00 dólares americanos
Prevención y atención de desastres naturales desde telecentros / Prevention and response to natural disasters base don telecenters

Manuel Marcelino García Chutá - Asociación para el desarrollo integral de Guatemala Maya "AJSAMAJEL WINAQ" - Guatemala
Vilma Leticia Tuy Jiatz - Asociación para el desarrollo integral de Guatemala Maya "AJSAMAJEL WINAQ" - Guatemala
Verónica Rivadeneira - Corporación Tercer Entorno (CORTEN) – Ecuador
Milton Cerda - Corporación Tercer Entorno (CORTEN) – Ecuador

Support of the Exchange Program: 2,300.00 dólares americanos
Wireless WAN creates opportunities for Community Economic Development / Red Inalámbrico crea oportunidades para desarrollo económico comunitario

Nathan Maserek - Marieval Enterprise - Canada
James Hattie - South West Shore Development Authority (SWSDA) - Canada

Support of the Exchange Program: 3,122.58.00 dólares americanos

Congratulation to all organizations who participated in the elaboration of the proposals.
More information under: http://www.pcnastream.com/exchange/paginas/inicio.php

Christoph Roessner, Tate Bengtson, Oscar Maeso
Coordinators of the Exchange Program

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