Don, <BR>
I can't agree more with your observation, yes they number as many as Barber shops or news agents in the Asian countries . I just read a Philiphines based news digest columnist share the same view. http://www.mb.com.ph/TECH2004122825305.html . <BR>
Given the low entry & exit barrier, the float remains constant to reducing .<BR>
The Best estimates between 20,000 to 2,00,000 are just wild guess. I remember reading news stories of China itself host to 200,000 cafes.<BR>
In South korea where "PC Bangs" are regarded as the strongest driving forces to raise Korean software industry had over 20,000 cafes in 2002 . http://mcel.pacificu.edu/aspac/papers/scholars/parkb/park.htm <BR>
but with abundance of broadband , they are diminishing. <BR>
Here in India, Bangalore city Police estimates 5000 centres , on whom they have enacted a law which demands you to prove your identity before you access the Internet. add Mumbai another 5,000. <BR>
Maybe a reverse hypothesis may work , lets say how many minutes of information access is required which can be best served by telecentres of all the hues. At least this number will give us the relevance & scope of our operations . Look forward to you all members comments. <BR>
Thanks <BR>
Ashish Saboo <BR>
India <BR>
On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 Don Cameron wrote :<BR>
>This does make for an interesting exercise...<BR>
>Of the figures available, the "best estimates" seem to place the total<BR>
>number of global cyber-cafes and Telecentre's at somewhere between 20,000 to<BR>
>200,000 - quite a variation! - although perhaps not surprising considering<BR>
>earlier this year China closed 8,600 cyber cafés in just a 3 month period(1)<BR>
>comparable to the 3,300 cafes closed in China over a 6 month period in<BR>
>Counting Telecentre's and Cyber Cafés is probably akin to counting take-away<BR>
>hamburger shops or newsagents... There are so may opening and closing<BR>
>simultaneously that I doubt you could achieve anything near a qualitative<BR>
>assessment of the real number at any given time - but good luck in your<BR>
>(2) http://computercops.biz/article1962.html<BR>
>Rgds, Don<BR>
Ashish Saboo
Association of Public Internet Access Provider (ApiAp)
The voice of independent Cyber cafe operators
URL: http://www.apiap.cybernook.net
Blog: http://apiap.blogspot.com
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