Good going Andy, <BR>
Given Korea's phenomenol success in bringing broadband penetration . There is a lot we all can learn from koreans. Unfortunately I find very few koreans contributing to the list. I hope you will pursuade your host to join the DDN bandwagon as active list members.<BR>
Best wishes <BR>
Ashish <BR>
On Thu, 02 Jun 2005 Andy Carvin wrote :<BR>
>Hi everyone,<BR>
>I was wondering if anyone else was planning to attend the ITU's WSIS thematic meeting on multi-stakeholder partnerships to bridge the digital divide. It's taking place in Seoul, South Korea on June 23-24; I'll be delivering one of the keynotes. I'd be interested to know if other DDN members will be there as well.<BR>
>For those of you who are DDN website members, you can go to the event listing on the site and click the button that says you're planning to attend; that'll add you to a list of DDN attendees. You can find that page here:<BR>
>Here's the conference URL:<BR>
Ashish Saboo
Association of Public Internet Access Provider (ApiAp)
The voice of independent Cyber cafe operators
URL: http://www.apiap.cybernook.net
Blog: http://apiap.blogspot.com
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