Andy <BR>
Thanks for updating us. Unfortunately the list is not very active and we are not sure who are attending the summit's Telecentre Caucus . Can you please list out the confirmed delegates & wonder are they on this list ?<BR>
Many members like ours do not have resources to fund the visit but we find the UN backed forum as our only hope to bring the voice of Teelcentre movement on a wide platform. I am sure list members can help set the agenda. <BR>
Sincerely <BR>
Ashish Saboo <BR>
President <BR>
Association of Public Internet Access Provider , India <BR>
Website: http://www.apiap.cybernook.net<BR>
ApiAp diary : http://apiap.blogspot.com <BR>
News from the Internet Cafe world : http://internetcafenews.blogspot.com <BR>
On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 Andy Carvin wrote :<BR>
>This email was just sent around on the CS plenary list. All caucuses are invited to recommend speakers for the summit, following the guidelines below. Since only a minority of telecentres caucus members are in Geneva right now, it makes the most sense for us to discuss this online.<BR>
>Please take a look at the guidelines, then feel free to suggest any names to the list for public discussion. Please note we must submit names no later than noon geneva time on Wednesday, so that basically means we must come up with recommendations by the end of the day on Tuesday. -andy<BR>
Ashish Saboo
Association of Public Internet Access Provider (ApiAp)
The voice of independent Cyber cafe operators
URL: http://www.apiap.cybernook.net
Blog: http://apiap.blogspot.com
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