[WSIS Edu] Political chapeau+ taskforce charter

Beatriz Busaniche bea at vialibre.org.ar
Mon Apr 4 14:35:35 BST 2005

Hi Divina and all!
sorry about my english, but here are some comments and proposals! 

(do we have anybody working on spanish translations? if not, let me know

El lun, 04-04-2005 a las 14:52 +0200, Meigs escribió:

>     -a draught for a taskforce charter (required by the bureau to prove our
> legitimacy). I don't think it should go over a single page, for visibility
> purposes. own page long, on purpose. Let me know again if you want changes,
> always providing alternative text.

Just a few preliminary questions and comments, what's the meaning of
"prove our legitimacy"?

I also think that this page is enough, but i don't see the exactly
porpuse of it.  

anyway, i would like to make some suggestions on one paragraph:

- transparent evaluations of global barriers to knowledge, research and
education, looking beyond technological obstacles at legal and
institutional gridlocks (like Intellectual Property laws and
International standards) and promoting a new balance of  intellectual
properties as a common ground for authors, creators and teachers to
protect their works and for civil society to benefit from their


- transparent evaluations of global barriers to knowledge, research and
education, looking beyong technological obstacles at legal and
institutional gridlocks (like patents and copyrights laws and
international standards) and promoting a new balance of copyright and
patents regimes as a commond ground for authors, creators and teacher to
preserve their rights and for civil society to benefit from their


c. The taskforce  invites its member to push for the recognition of the
open cognition paradigm and for the global commons of knowledge, for the
capacity-building and the well-being of people and communities
worldwide, so as to reach sustainable development.  


c. The taskforce invites its members to push for the recognition of the
open cognition paradigm and for the global commons of knowledge, for
education and capacity-building as the basis of information and
knowledge societies and the well-being of people and communities
worldwide, so as to reach sustainable development. 



d. The taskforce encourages all governments to develop worldwide access
to Information and Communication services, contents and forms of
expression, as they are the best means to bridge the digital divide and
to implement all the tools agreed upon in the WSIS process and beyond.  


d. The taskforce encourages all goverments to develop worlwide accesso
to information and communicatin services, contents and forms of
expression, based on free software, open standards and open access
paradigm, considering the new models of knowledge sharing and
production, as they are the best means to bridge the digital divide and
to implement these tools upon in the WSIS process and beyond. 


Beatriz Busaniche
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