[WSIS Edu] Our contribution to WGIG

Henda BEN GHEZALA henda.bg at cck.rnu.tn
Mon Apr 18 18:22:33 BST 2005

Dear Divina

First of all, I thank you for the considerable efforts which you supply.

I would like to suggest you, if it is still possible to bring
modifications, to add in the document:
- Mechanisms to facilitate the public-private partnership
- Mechanisms to facilitate the sharing of the knowledge
- Mechanisms for the co-diplomation (including e-learning)


Henda Ben Ghezala
Laboratoire RIADI-GDL (équipe PGL),
Ecole Nationale des Sciences
de l'Informatique (ENSI), Tunis
Directeur général
Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi (CCK), Tunis
Campus universitaire
2010 La Manouba
Tel. +216 71 60 28 40
Fax. +216 71 60 19 30

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