[WSIS Edu] URGENT: Tunis // events

Sasha Costanza-Chock schock at riseup.net
Fri Apr 22 19:07:11 BST 2005

I think it's important to be careful about the 'multistakeholderism' 
language. For example, there should be a clearly articulated critique of 
the privatization of education, the retreat of the state from 
responsibility for free public education and the shift to increasing 
'partnership' with the corporate sector, especially when it comes to 
ICTs and education. In the US context, we have a serious battle with 
those who advocate the full privatization of public education, in 
addition to the discussion about corporate 'partnership' both at high 
school and higher education level (McDonalds as the lunch provider, 
Microsoft as the software provider, Nike builds the basketball court).

For just one small example, how about using this as an opportunity to 
lobby government delegates / generate press coverage of the position 
that we stop spending scarce education sector resources on software, and 
move to free/open source software alternatives wherever possible?

Sasha Costanza-Chock

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