MSH was Re: [Mmwg] And then they were ten

l.d.misek-falkoff falkoff ldmisekfalkoff at
Thu Dec 15 23:55:23 GMT 2005

Thank you for filling in or filling out (expanding) this discussion with
both contexts and particulars.

I think this group has some very basic issues in focus as to *inclusion* and
there may be parallels to be explored e.g. between  the movement for a
'People's Assembly' at the United Nations, and also the current human-rights
based negotiations for a Convention on Disabilities (toward an International
. Treaty).

Whenever something is said to be intended *'4-all,'* there may be
commonalities, and it is very nice to have found this group and be
subscribed to it.

Very best wishes, and at your service as well, Linda M F.

On 12/15/05, Avri Doria <avri at> wrote:
>  On 15 dec 2005, at 16.51, l.d.misek-falkoff falkoff wrote:
>  LDMF Comment and Query:
> A recurring typology of who is "in the set" of multistakeholders goes
> something like:
> Governments, Civil Society including but not only Non-Governmental
> Organizations (NGOs),
> i think the academicians fall into this category as well
> Private Sector, Parliamentarians.
> The Tunis Agenda (35) includes:
> Intergovernmental Orgs
> International Organizations
> and recognizes in  (36)  and recommends in (72) the  academic scientific
> and technical communities.
> Another group that is arguing for inclusion is the " Internet Technical
> Community"  Or what I prefer to call it the "Internet Technical Community"
> In some sense this lines up with the academic, scientific and technical
> commnities, but is some sense, because of its policy roles (speaking
> specifically of ICANN and maybe ISOC here) somewhat wider then that
> definition.
> Perhaps I missed one or two (?), but for purposes of discussion and
> without nominating this as the only possible top level list of course, what
> might you think of adding:
> *Individuals.*
> [And all that might entail]
> Yes, they need to be discussed as well.  though I still find many aspects
> of how unaffiliated individuals can be included very confusing as long as we
> are not intending that they should be represented by some sort of [ad-hoc]
> affinity grouping.
> a.
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Linda D. Misek-Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D..
79 Grandview Avenue
Pleasantville, New York, 10570
Online communications systems ARPANet forward.
Individual Email. For Identification here: *Respectful Interfaces* Programme
/ Communications
        Coordination Committee for the United Nations.  ACM ABA.
President to 2008, The National Disability Party.
Member and Steering Committee Member, The International
Disability Caucus for the Disability Convention (toward U.N. Treaty).
CCC/UN Secretary and Member of the Board.
Founder: Persons With Pain International (PWPI) accredited to the U.N.
Disability Convention. Legal Briefs and Related Authorship/Publishing up to
and Including U.S. Supreme         Court on Rights Bases.
Presenter "the RESPECT Matrix" at the Global Disability Forum-II, Hiroshi
Karawura, Convener, WSIS-2-Tunis November 2005.
Member Planning Committee Annaul Fall DPI/NGO Conference, MIllennium Network
online and a the  U.N..
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