[Mmwg] Suggestion for consultation

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Fri Feb 17 08:16:22 GMT 2006

hi jeanette

>>>n my view, the caucus declaration read today by Jeanette, and the APC
>>>response to the IGF questionnaire (and presented also today by Karen B),
>>>are what could be done on the part of CS in time for this initial
>>I think that in terms of result it is a success, much better than 
>>when Jeanette/Adam were reading a pre-packaged document that took 
>>days to agree on, and that was often forced towards a lowest common 
>>denominator. I like this modality more, even when we disagree (we 
>>said some contradictory things in our statements, but I think that 
>>this enriches the discussion rather than disturbing it).
>My impression was that we got away with the strategy this time but won't
>in the future. I will soon get on the governments' nerves when 15 people
>speak and not just 3 or 4. They expect some effort in aggregating 
>positions. Rightly so, I think.

i have to disagree with this.. we were not speaking as governance 
caucus members, the fact that many of us were members, is 
immaterial.. just as goverrnments reps are members of governments - 
we certainly hear from more than 5 regional representative 
govsernments - civil society shoiuldn't be straight-jacketed into 
feeling it has to speak with one voice, via only 3-4 channels - we 
are far more diverse than this.. - and, jsut as we are expected to 
understand and work with the ways of government, government needs to 
understand and work with the ways of civil society..


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