[Mmwg] outline of a structure for IGF

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sat Jan 21 13:55:17 GMT 2006

>>> Vittorio Bertola <vb at bertola.eu.org> 1/21/2006 2:40 AM >>>
>The leading group should be selected by those who 
>participate in the Plenary and working groups. 

This contradicts the point you made in your earlier post. The bureau cannot be selected by the Plenary. As you said, the more "power" you put in the Plenary the more rigidly you must control who can participate. 

>Which is even more dangerous: what do you do if the Chair lets 
>everyone talk, and then calls consensus on a minority point of 
>view that happens to be the view of a few powerful 
>governments or companies?

The first chair would be a widely trusted appointee (hopefully Desai) who would not do that. Sets a precedent. Second chair is elected. If that chair abuses his authority people not only refuse to elect her/him next time, but "vote with their feet" and stop participating. The IGF loses credibility and therefore all its power. Another option is simply that WGs and others shafted by such a move issue counter-statements and publicity. There is a danger you describe (no option is without such dangers) but there are very strong incentives on the part of Chair, Secretariat and Bureau to avoid it.

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