ARGK Attacks Turkish War Criminals

kurd-l at kurd-l at
Wed Sep 25 06:50:29 BST 1996

From: Arm The Spirit <ats at>

War News From North Kurdistan
Translated By Arm The Spirit From 'Kurdistan-Rundbrief' #18/96

ARGK Attacks War Criminals In Hakkari

Following an 8-month unilatereal cease-fire, the ARGK (People's Liberation
Army of Kurdistan) has again attacked Turkish military targets.

In August, the Chair of the PKK Abdullah Ocalan gave the Turkish government
"a last chance to save the cease-fire", otherwise the Kurdish guerrilla
would again attack selected targets and thereby open the path to true
dialogue. Since December 15, 1995, the PKK and its guerrilla army the ARGK
had observed a unilateral cease-fire despite repeated operations by the
Turkish army. All attempts at starting a dialogue to bring about a peace
process in Kurdistan were foiled by the Turkish government. Even
resolutions from the European Parliament in January and June of this year
could not persuade the leading Western powers of Germany and the USA to put
pressure on Turkey to enter into negotiations. Instead, these governments
kept supplying Turkey with arms, thereby giving support to the Turkish
military to continue with its genocide in Kurdistan.

The first target selected by the ARGK was the Hakkari Brigade, a special
unit. This brigade was responsibile for horrible war crimes. In January
1996, photos from the newspaper 'Ozgur Politika' were seen around the
world. The photos depicted members of the Hakkari Brigade posing with
mutilated bodies and holding the decapitated heads of Kurdish fighters. The
headquarters of the Hakkari Brigade, located 3km outside the center of the
city of Hakkari, were attacked at 23:30 hours on August 24, 1996 by a unit
of ARGK fighters armed with rockets and mortars. In the attack, 23 members
of the Hakkari Brigade were killed and 50 were wounded. Following the
attack, the Turkish army sealed off Hakkari. Army units then marched into
Xenanis (Otlucu) village and arrested all 150 inhabitants.

A few days later, the ARGK attacked a Turkish batallion in Semdinli
(Hakkari province). During this confrontations, 9 soldiers were killed.
Near Helene, 6 military transporters carrying military provisions were
burned. A police station in Yuceldi (Hozat) was also attacked. One soldier
was killed.

If no moves are made towards negotiations, the PKK has announced that they
will increase the intensity of their attacks, even moving into the cities.

 ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
   ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
     ++++ see ++++

Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information
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variety of material, including political prisoners, national 
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