Turkey: Riot police to be modernized
english at ozgurlluk.xs4all.nl
english at ozgurlluk.xs4all.nl
Mon Feb 2 07:34:25 GMT 1998
Riot police to be modernized
* An Air Taser, which can spread shock waves, will be installed on
the shields of the riot police
Turkish Daily News
Ankara - The Police department are updating the equipment of the riot
police squads because of an intense public response to violence caused
by police.
A new device that emits shock waves will be installed on riot shields.
Also, 20,000 plastic handcuffs and flexible truncheons, made of
polyurethane, were imported from the United States. The police
currently use wooden truncheons, the Anatolia news agency reported.
According to the information, which was received from the Police
Department, a device called an Air Taser will be installed on the riot
shields of the police to decrease the use of truncheons. The Air Taser
will stop demonstrators from pushing against police barriers by
emitting shock waves. Police officials emphasized that the Air Taser
did not emit electrical shocks and did not injure the human body.
The Air Taser was invented in the United States and is produced by
Israel. Police officials have started negotiations to import them into
Turkey. The officials said that the device would only be used in very
special circumstances. The police has presented its request and a
sample Air Taser device to the Ministry of Health's Ethics Council.
The decision of the Council will determine whether the Air Taser will
be used.
Press Agency Ozgurluk
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