Press group protests jailing of Turkish journalist

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Mon Feb 2 08:50:18 GMT 1998

   VIENNA, Jan 30 (AFP) - An international press group on Friday  
condemned the jailing of a Turkish journalist for allegedly 
spreading separatist propaganda in an article he wrote for a 
pro-Kurdish newspaper. 
   The International Press Institute (IPI) wrote an open letter to  
Turkish premier Mesut Yilmaz highlighting the case of Haluk Gerger, 
a columnist for the daily Ulkede Gundem newspaper. 
   Gerger was jailed on January 26 in Ankara after being convicted  
under Turkish anti-terrorist law for an article he wrote in December 
1993 in the now-defunct Ozgur Gundem, a pro-Kurdish daily. He was 
also fined 208 million Turkish lira (1,000 dollars). 
   "IPI believes that Haluk Gerger has been imprisoned for having  
carried out his professional duties as a journalist," said the 
Institute, who groups editors and media executives in over 100 
   The ruling was "in violation of the right to freedom of opinion  
and expression as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights," it said in a statement released at its headquarters in 
   "We strongly urge Your Excellency to do everything in your power  
to secure his release from prison," it told the Turkish premier. 
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