DHKC website updated
english at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl
english at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl
Sun Feb 22 13:25:26 GMT 1998
To all who are interested.
We have just updated our website at http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc
+ The latest issue of Devimci Sol/Revolutionary Left, a Revolutionary
Political Review about Turkey and Kurdistan (Feb. 1998) has been put
online. (http://www.ozgurluk.org/dhkc/pub/revleft)
+ A document about the cooperation between the maffia and the Secret
Service, hunting for the Chairperson of the DHKP-C, Dursun Karatas.
+ Statements on the Iraqi-crisis
Rev. Greetings,
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Parti-Cephesi
Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C)
mailto:dhkc at ozgurluk.org
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