DHKC: Isolate the drug pushers and putschists-contra-gang!

english at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl english at ozgurluk.xs4all.nl
Mon Feb 23 10:23:21 GMT 1998


The putschists attacked, the police protected them.

On January 30, 1998, two of our sympathisers in Hamburg were attacked
by the putschists-contra-gang, The putschists-contra-gang stepped into
a Golf with Frankfurt plates. The police new everything of this car,
even the words on the rear-window. As was shown later, the car with
the putschists was followed from Frankfurt by the police. The 5-people
strong putschists' gang came to Ottensen (Hamburg) where two of our
sympathisers were at that time. One of the putschists went to an
sympathiser and asked him: "Are you ...?" (asking for his name). When
the answer was "Yes", one of the putschists drew his gun and started
to empty it from close range. Our friend was wounded by 5 bullets. The
attacker aimed for his groin, stomach and chest, missing the chest and
hitting his arm. In the meanwhile, our other sympathiser tried to get
away. The putschists ran after him and open fire upon him as well. One
bullet went through the windows of a parked car, just when a women
passed it with her child. The stomach and arms of our fleeing friend
were hit by 3 bullets. The officers of the CID, who had followed the
putschists, were present while all this happened. They did nothing
against the putschists. (They were later heard as witnesses) After all
this was over, 3 putschists were arrested, while the 2 others
"managed" to escape. Later that day, policemen searched the houses in
Hamburg of those who had been arrested. 135 grammes of heroin were
found in one of the houses. As was the case in all the other attacks
by the putschists, the police acted against our sympathisers again and
arrested our friends who were distributing leaflets. (Our people who
were arrested at February 2 when they distributed leaflets are charged
with making propaganda for a "banned organisation". The leaflets
stated however that all the putschists do is known to the police and
that the attacks had been carried out under protection of the police.)

Behind the putschists: the German police

Armed attacks by the putschists against our people have been carried
out in many cities in Europe. Many sympathisers have been wounded.
Especially in Germany, the police attacked our people, and not the
putschists, after an attack had been carried out. All this although it
was known to the police that the attacks had been carried out by them.
Until now, the People's Cultural Associations were searched and people
arrested after every attack. Even distributing newspapers was used for
a reason to arrest people. And many people were arrested. For the
first time since World War 2, the German and French police
co-operated, and they did so against our organisation. Especially from
Hamburg, it's known that some of the putschists, known by name, are
co-operating with the police. The police quite openly protected and
covered the putschists. The ones who were attacked were arrested,
threatened and interrogated as suspects. Furthermore, a criminal
investigation was launched against them. In the last case, the police
satisfied themselves by just following the putschists from Frankfurt
to the place of the crime, the attacks by the "suspects" were not

The provocation attempts by the police and the press 

>From the point of view of the police, it's important that our
sympathisers carry out acts of revenge against the attacks by the
putschists in order to make provocations effective. After the attack
in Hamburg, the police steered attention to this especially in their
public statements. Words like "Expecting revenge" and "Now it's the
DHKP-C's turn", coming from the mouths of some police chiefs, were
used. In this manner, they try to criminalise our organisation in the
public eye. The provocation attempts of the police were also reflected
in articles in the Hamburg press. There were headlines like "Fearing
death, some small merchants - eye-witnesses of the event - refuse to
speak", the police was going to "protect the witnesses, do
everything", and  "who speaks, dies". The national press continued
with similar publications. Despite our cautions and indications, they
didn't rectify their articles. It was mentioned nowhere that the
police had been involved in the event from the beginning. Pictures of
newspapers were published to legitimise the attacks against our
sympathisers and it was furthermore claimed that this organisation was

Our struggle is fought on the soil of our country

The language, used by the German police and press, is the same as is
used by the Foreign Office of the US and the CIA. Both try to present
our organisation as absolutely criminal, organised in
Mafia-structures. In the report "Global Terrorism" (1996) of the US
State Department, the US-government - the organisation which in
reality is the biggest terrorist of the world - tried to picture us as
terrorists, calling upon all the imperialist and collaborating
countries of the world "to dry up the financial sources of this and
other organisations" and to "initiate the needed judicial measures".
These are the same attempts as they are now sought by the German
police and the bourgeois media. Germany is not within the realm of our
struggle, neither is any other European country. We are fighting for
the liberation of the people of Anatolia on which soil our struggle is
taking place. We are not waging an armed struggle abroad, against
nobody. Those who claim the opposite are doing so consciously, and
they are lying. At the same time, we are a people's movement. We see
all those who aren't interested in the fascist system in our country,
those who haven't lost their dignity and honour, those who love their
country and people, as part of the people. With the support of the
people, material, immaterial as well as physical, we are expanding our
struggle. In our entire history, there has never been an action which
harmed the people. The smear campaign and the provocation attempts of
the German police cannot convince people. 

Drug dealing fits the putschists

Another point of the attack in Hamburg was that the drug dealing by
the putschists became apparent. This was not a new of unknown
phenomenon. It was also known to us that they were active in other
illegal activities, besides drug dealing. Without any doubt, the
German police knew about this, but until now they never acted. In
connection with the last incident, this became apparent in a
inevitable manner. There can be no other explanation for the 135
grammes of heroin. Countless time we have said that putschism was
connected with immorality, perversion, dishonour and treason. Now it's
clear for all that it is in fact a Mafia gang, connected with drug

A call upon all our friends

The putschists are a Mafia gang, dealing in drugs and co-operating
with the German police. They are enemies of the people whose only goal
is to attack the Front and its sympathisers. This gang is only
mentioned, and only then, when they attack the Front and its
sympathisers. That's the only way they can draw attention upon
themselves. Isolate this gang everywhere. These immoral criminals have
nothing to do with the revolutions and being revolutionaries. Keep
away from them. Drive them away. Let them not enter the places you are
in. This clique, which shoots at the Front, which wants to kill
sympathisers of the Front, which deals in drugs, carries out all sorts
of illegal activities and co-operates with the police, has no right to
be in places where the people are. 

Some cadres abroad of Devrimci Sol wanted to carry out a coup in a
major base of the movement abroad. They confiscated the archive and
the money which belonged to the movement. They even imprisoned the
leader of Devrimci Sol, Dursun Karatas, for a while. When the putsch
became known, all the cadres and sympathisers of the organisation
crossed the plans for a coup with their attitude. The putschists
escaped, taking the confiscated archive and money with them. They are
still at large. Behind this treacherous coup were the imperialists,
co-operating with the contra-guerrilla in Turkey. Since then, the
putschistic "runaways" attack the DHKC supporters in Europe at every
occasion, organising provocations. The police in Europe very well
knows that these contra's live their lives in Mafia conditions. 

Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
European Representation
February 1998

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Parti-Cephesi
Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C)
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