[Privsec] Update on Deadlines

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jun 20 12:11:59 BST 2006

 From the IG Caucus list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [governance] Throwing stones into the pond
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:29:54 +0900
From: Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp>
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org,	Ralf Bendrath 
<bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de>,	Vittorio Bertola <vb at bertola.eu.org>



At 1:45 AM +0200 6/20/06, Ralf Bendrath wrote:
>Vittorio Bertola wrote:
>>to Markus Kummer a brief proposal for the establishment of an "IGF
>>Working Group on Trusted Computing"
>I'd like to see it, and the Privacy & Security Working Group would
>probably also be interested.
>BTW: What would be an "IGF working group"? AFAIK, there are two 
>formats planned for now: Written contributions and workshops.

No, there will be at least written contributions, panel sessions,
workshops and I hope (not agreed) online working groups. There also
an as yet un-developed idea for an Internet plaza, which I am
personally unclear on but seems to be a mix of booths, small spaces
to discuss activities, poster sessions (I don't know, it's an idea
that people are working on.)  This "Athens Outline"
<http://www.intgovforum.org/athens_outline.htm> is still current.

>Some of us met Chengetai Masango from the IGF secretariat on the 
>weekend and got some new info. The deadline structure now is as 
>1. Call for contributions: Deadline 15 July 2006
>This is about _written contributions_ that would inform the debate,
>elaborate a specific issue, or make proposals for future policy reform.
>All contributions received by that date will be translated into all 6 UN
>languages and compiled into one big documentation for the IFG (which of
>course will also be put on the website).

This is on the website.  It's agreed.  I think the message about
written contributions needs to be clarified and the message

>2. Proposals for workshops: Deadline 31 August 2006
>This is when we have to submit proposals for _workshops_ in Athens. The
>advisory group IIRC will choose the workshops that get accepted.
>General message: The more multistakeholder it is, the better the chances
>to get into the official IGF programme.

*NO*  we have not agreed this date.

What Chengetai told you about is a draft proposal on organizing
workshops put to the MAG for comment (comment period ends today, so
nothing is agreed.)  For example, some of us believe the August 31
date is too late, it will make organizing workshops difficult. But
there are also reasons for this late date: not decided.

As for Workshops and Working Groups: I take the view we are not
organizing an annual conference, but a process and dialogue. I see
workshops as something that will happen in Athens, and working groups
as the means to start and carry on the discussion before and after.
That's the position I've made in MAG and hope all will agree (they
might not...)

The "more multistakeholder the better" is probably going to be correct.

>There will be an official call for both deadlines on the IGF website in
>the next few days with more details about the format etc.

Correct. More soon.


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