[Privsec] Proposals for IGF

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Tue Jun 20 02:39:01 BST 2006

On 19 jun 2006, at 11.49, Ralf Bendrath wrote:

>> put together a good, multi-stakeholder proposal, it has a good  
>> chance of being taken seriously..
> I met Chengetai Masango from the IGF secretariat on the weekend and  
> got some new info. The deadline structure now is as follows:
> 1. Call for contributions: Deadline 15 July 2006
> This is about _written contributions_ that would inform the debate,  
> elaborate a specific issue, or make proposals for future policy  
> reform. All contributions received by that date will be translated  
> into all 6 UN languages and compiled into one big documentation for  
> the IFG (which of course will also be put on the website).

just one note to this, other contributions after this date will also  
be accepted as far as i understand, but they just would not be  
abstracted and translated.

also is the contribution translated or just the abstract of  
contributions?  i am not sure, but it might be worth finding out.


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