[Privsec] Proposals for IGF

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jun 19 16:49:26 BST 2006

(adapted the subject line)

karen banks wrote:
> and this reminds me - we must move on making proposals for an 
> event/workshop for the IGF 
Yes - Garth's message is still sitting in my inbox marked "to do". Sorry 
for not following up earlier.

- the deadline is July 15th and i think if we
> put together a good, multi-stakeholder proposal, it has a good chance of 
> being taken seriously..
I met Chengetai Masango from the IGF secretariat on the weekend and got 
some new info. The deadline structure now is as follows:

1. Call for contributions: Deadline 15 July 2006
This is about _written contributions_ that would inform the debate, 
elaborate a specific issue, or make proposals for future policy reform. 
All contributions received by that date will be translated into all 6 UN 
languages and compiled into one big documentation for the IFG (which of 
course will also be put on the website).
SO: Here we could need some elaborated texts that make strong and 
well-written arguments about privacy in IG in general or about our two 
proposals (ID management and a global legal framework). It can of course 
also be done by individual members or organizations.
Rikke and I are currently working on an article about the privacy 
developments in the two phases of WSIS, which also could be a good piece 
for that. Best of course would be if it is linked to the following:

2. Proposals for workshops: Deadline 31 August 2006
This is when we have to submit a proposal for a _workshop_ in Athens. The 
advisory group IIRC will choose the workshops that get accepted.
General message: The more multistakeholder it is, the better the chances 
to get into the official IGF programme.
I suggest we write a short piece soon about the relevance of privacy & 
identity management, based on our existing proposal but with less WSIS 
technicalities. We can then use this to try to get industry people, 
governments, international organizations and others on board, either as 
conveners or as speakers on the panel(s). Ideally, the written 
contribution on this would be developed together with other stakeholders 
and submitted together with them by 15 June.

There will be an official call for both deadlines on the IGF website in 
the next few days with more details about the format etc.

> ralf - can you start a thread on that?
You just did. ;-)

Best, Ralf

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